Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Back in October, we took a fabulous trip to Yosemite National Park. Neither my husband or myself had ever been and we figured it would be a great time to try something new (and inexpensive!) It was AMAZING! The valley was so picturesque and lovely and downright magical. The weather was perfect. There were no crowds and hardly any traffic. The best part is that it only took about 4 hours to get there. Just 45 minutes past Fresno...easy peasy! We're already planning our next visit!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Yosemite Teaser

A couple of weeks ago we FINALLY took our long-overdue vacation.  Yay!  We decided on Yosemite and I'm so glad we did!  It was truly breathtaking.  The first time we caught a glimpse of El Capitan and Half-Dome we literally squealed!  It is so beautiful.  I have a TON of pictures to upload and edit, but I thought I'd post a couple teaser shots taken on the trusty iPhone.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ignore that last post

I just re-read it and am super turned off by how negative it was!  So, let's pretend it never happened and that I'm back to my usual, cheery self :-)

Friday, November 11, 2011

If you don't have something nice to say...

I'm not going to spew an ungodly amount of hate and judgement in my blog post today, but I totally feel like it!  Sometimes you run across something (or in my case, someone) that just rubs you the wrong way.  I can't really put my finger on it, but this person is totally irking me.  If we're being honest, this person has irked me for many, many years. 

I fear I've said too much already.  I'm a big girl and I need to handle my issues.  And I will.  I just needed to say for the record...I don't like you (person who shall remain anonymous.)

In other news, happy Veteran's day! 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Thyme is on my mind.

Yes it is. 

Who knew that thyme was the key to amazing chicken noodle soup?  Probably a lot of you.  But not me.  Until recently that is.  It makes all the difference in the world!  Go figure.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Outdoor fun on Mommy's birthday

Last weekend was my birthday and we spent a lovely day at the Oak Canyon Nature Center in Anaheim Hills. It was perfect.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My New Favorite Website

If you browse through the list of blogs that I follow, it should come as no surprise that I love interior design.  Up until this point in my life, I've either lived with my parents (until the day I was married, actually) or in an apartment.  Neither of which allows for much permanence/personality when it comes to decorating.  But alas, we purchased our first home earlier this year and I'm DETERMINED to make it as beautiful as I possibly can.  So far, I'm still dealing with a fairly blank canvas.  We haven't even put any artwork up on the walls.  For a while I was considering working with a professional designer, but then I decided I should give it a go on my own first.  I figure I have a ton of resources available to me as far as inspiration goes.  Plus, I definitely know what I like.  My husband and I aren't 100% on the same page in terms of style, but that's OK.  People always say to pick your battles...well, this is a battle I'm going to WIN!  Sorry dear husband, but I'm afraid I'm not backing down on this one.  I'm sure he'll understand.

Anyway, I came across this very helpful website, Olioboard, to help plan out my projects.  It's very easy to use and is great for compiling all the elements of a room into one place.  My first room to tackle is the 'formal living room', right off the front door.  It's nice and bright, but certainly not my "vision".  It's sort of a mish mash of hand me downs, leftovers from our apartment days, and bare walls.  Blah.  As soon as I get the Olioboard together for this room, I'll post it.  I can't wait to get started!

***Update!  I couldn't wait.  Here's the first pass at the living room.  I'm still missing things like curtains, artwork, and a coffee table, but this should give you a pretty good idea of my style.  It's sure to change as I work on it some more, but I thought I'd share the starting point:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fatoush Salad

Tonight I made fatoush salad for dinner and it was delicious! It's a Middle Eastern salad made with tomatoes, cucumbers, and pieces of Arabic (pita) bread tossed in a lemony dressing. Perfect for the summer. Here's how I make it:

Approximately 1.5 cups of tomatoes, cubed. Today I used baby heirloom tomatoes sliced in half, because it's all I had.

Approximately 4 Persian cucumbers chopped into bite sized pieces.

Approximately (are you sensing a theme here?)two green onions, chopped.

A couple tablespoons of flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped.

A couple handfuls of pita bread pieces, although I prefer using store bought pita chips. Since they're crunchy, they hold up a little better in the dressing.

Equal parts olive oil and lemon juice. I used the juice of 1 1/2 lemons, but you can adjust depending on how citrusy you like your dressing.

Salt and pepper, to taste.

So here's the tough part, combine all the ingredients in a large bowl, toss with lemon juice/olive oil, season with salt and pepper...and enjoy! Here's what mine looked like tonight:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

To Make a Long Story Short

So, a while back, I blogged about reading The Last Child in the Woods.  At the time, I was really optimistic about it.  I was a new mother (I guess I still am, so we'll say I was a "brand new" mother) and pretty much ate up any and all parenting books/blogs/TV shows that spoke to my inner mama sensibilities.  Well, it's been a few months since then and I figured it's time for an update/review of the book.  So here goes.  I hated it.  I didn't hate what it was about.  I think the idea of the book was great...kids need nature in their lives.  They shouldn't be holed up indoors playing video games all day long.  When they spend time outdoors, interacting with nature, they grow up more patient, grounded, caring, yadda, yadda, yadda.  So if I agree with the main argument of the book, why did I hate it so much?  I'm glad you asked.  Did you notice how quickly I was able to sum up the book?  Two and a half sentences was all it took.  Granted, I left out any mention of scientific studies used to prove the point, but how many extra pages could that add?  10?  15 tops? 

Which leads me to the main reason I didn't like the book.  And to be fair, it's a problem I have with a lot of non-fiction/non-biography reading.  Sometimes, I think certain books would be better served as a magazine article.  Or a short story.  Or a well crafted essay.  Pretty much anything that's less than 200 pages.  The Last Child in the Woods falls into this category.  After about 100 pages, I started getting tired of reading the same exact point over and over and over.  It really became a chore.  Even the studies he used to make his point were eerily similar to one another.  I actually blurted out at one point, "OK!  I get it!  Enough already!"  Not a good reaction. Sorry Mr. Louv, I am just not a fan of your writing.  It's nothing personal. 

Needless to say, I'm a little cautious when it comes to non-fiction reading after being burned so many times.  I really hate wasting my time, and I kind of feel that reading the same thing over and over qualifies as such.  So, I was a little hesitant when my good friend recommended Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell.  I've heard so many good things about Malcolm Gladwell, and have even read a few of his articles in the past.  But a whole book?  Was this going to be another exercise in beating a point over the head until it dies a slow and painful death?  Uggh, I hope not.

Well I started reading it about a week ago and am about 100 pages in.  Without being too optimistic, I have to say that this book kicks ass...so far.  But two friends, who I consider extremely intelligent and well-read, have assured me that it's as good as I think it is.  So, I read on.  Waiting for it to fall apart on me...

...but I'm hopeful that the curse has been broken.  Things are looking up.  Please Mr. Gladwell, don't fail me now. 

*I'll post a full review once I'm done.  I'll also tell you my thoughts on One Day by David Nicholls. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Work and Other Fun Stuff

As the little man has gotten older (he's a wise old 15 months now), he's become increasingly more active, curious, and social.  All great things!  I'm a proud mama for sure.  I'm running into some trouble with his outgoing-ness while working from home though.  When he was brand  new, he'd pretty much sleep all day, or at the minimum, he'd just hang out while I worked away on my laptop.  Ever since he's been mobile though, I find myself battling the need to keep up with him and answer an important work email/IM.  Or even worse, trying to manage a conference call with him crying in the background.  Not fun.  Lately I'm beginning to think it's a losing battle.  I'm great at multi-tasking, but a girl has her limits, right?

We weren't planning on sending him to pre-school until he was at least two, but I'm beginning to think it's going to happen sooner than later.  The good news is he's super social and loves playing with other kids, so maybe it won't be that big of a deal for him.  I don't think he needs to go full time, since I am at home three days a week after all.  Perhaps just 2 half days/week to start?  It will be good for him to play with other kids, and the fact that mama gets a few hours to herself for un-interrupted work is a nice bonus. 

We're still in the process of figuring all this stuff out.  We need to scout out the local pre-schools before we make any decisions.  But somethings gotta give.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Right Now...

I'm sitting in my parent's family room while I work away on my laptop. (Taking a quick break now, obviously). Baby's upstairs sleeping. Going on 2.5 hours now! There's a load of laundry in the washing machine and a full dishwasher doing it's thing. I'm thinking about our new house and how I want to decorate once we're able to move in, and feeling totally overwhelmed by the task. I need to remember that there are bigger problems in the world than where I'm going to put my couch. It's another beautiful day outside, so I'm planning on spending my lunch break at the park with the little man. Sure to be fun. Until then, back to work.

So long!

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know by Age 9

Today, Yahoo! had an article listing 25 important manners that every child should know by age 9.  I thought it was a pretty good list, actually, so I'll share it below:

Manner #1
When asking for something, say "Please."

Manner #2
When receiving something, say "Thank you."

Manner #3
Do not interrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an emergency. They will notice you and respond when they are finished talking.

Manner #4
If you do need to get somebody's attention right away, the phrase "excuse me" is the most polite way for you to enter the conversation.

Manner #5
When you have any doubt about doing something, ask permission first. It can save you from many hours of grief later.

Manner #6
The world is not interested in what you dislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your friends, and out of earshot of adults.

Manner #7
Do not comment on other people's physical characteristics unless, of course, it's to compliment them, which is always welcome.

Manner #8
When people ask you how you are, tell them and then ask them how they are.

Manner #9
When you have spent time at your friend's house, remember to thank his or her parents for having you over and for the good time you had.

Manner #10
Knock on closed doors -- and wait to see if there's a response -- before entering.

Manner #11
When you make a phone call, introduce yourself first and then ask if you can speak with the person you are calling.

Manner #12
Be appreciative and say "thank you" for any gift you receive. In the age of e-mail, a handwritten thank-you note can have a powerful effect.

Manner #13
Never use foul language in front of adults. Grown-ups already know all those words, and they find them boring and unpleasant.

Manner #14
Don't call people mean names.

Manner #15
Do not make fun of anyone for any reason. Teasing shows others you are weak, and ganging up on someone else is cruel.

Manner #16
Even if a play or an assembly is boring, sit through it quietly and pretend that you are interested. The performers and presenters are doing their best.

Manner #17
If you bump into somebody, immediately say "Excuse me."

Manner #18
Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and don't pick your nose in public.

Manner #19
As you walk through a door, look to see if you can hold it open for someone else.

Manner #20
If you come across a parent, a teacher, or a neighbor working on something, ask if you can help. If they say "yes," do so -- you may learn something new.

Manner #21
When an adult asks you for a favor, do it without grumbling and with a smile.

Manner #22
When someone helps you, say "thank you." That person will likely want to help you again. This is especially true with teachers!

Manner #23
Use eating utensils properly. If you are unsure how to do so, ask your parents to teach you or watch what adults do.

Manner #24
Keep a napkin on your lap; use it to wipe your mouth when necessary.

Manner #25
Don't reach for things at the table; ask to have them passed.

**I think a lot of adults could stand to learn a thing or two from this list as well ;-)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Vacation Time!

It's hard to believe, but vacation is just two short days away!  FINALLY!  Even though I took almost 5 months off for maternity leave about a year ago, it seems like ages since I've had time off from work.  I've been busting my behind on the job front recently and definitely feel ready for some R & R.  The plan is to fly in to Honolulu around noon on Saturday.  Pick up the rental car.  Make a quick stop at Costco to buy food for the week.  Drive to the North Shore.  And RELAX!

I'm planning on taking lots of naps on the beach, eating lots of yummy food, working on my tan, and having the best conversations with my sister.  I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dukan do it!

Since having my son last year, I haven't really put much effort into losing all the baby weight.  Of the 50 lbs I gained (yikes!), I was able to lose 40 with no trouble.  But those last 10 lbs!  I decided that enough was enough and started on the Dukan Diet about a month ago.  So far, I'm down 8 lbs and have just a couple more to go before I'm back to pre-baby Ablla.

Basically, it's another no-carb diet like Atkins or South Beach.  But after a few more weeks of no carbs at all, I'll be able to slowly phase in fruits and grains.  It's actually not that bad.  I've been eating tons of vegetables and lean meat for the last month and I feel great.  It's not hard to see why you lose weight when you cut out all the sugar and carbs...too bad those are my FAVORITE things to eat!

Mmmmm....cake and bread and chocolate and fruit and .....oh boy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Birthday Party on the Brain

It's hard to believe, but the little man will be 1 next week!  Sigh...where did the time go?  We're planning on taking him to Disneyland on his actual birthday (Thursday) and then having a get together at the park on Saturday with family and friends.  I'm still trying to figure out food/games/decorations but I think being outside with our loved ones will be lots of fun in and of itself.

Speaking of the little guy, I hear him waking up from a nice long nap.  Time to go...I'll try to finish this post later on.  If I don't get a chance to update before next Saturday, I'll post pics from the big day!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Home Sweet Home...Almost

Buying a house is stressful!  We're in the thick of it right now and I'm quickly learning that it will probably take longer than I had originally planned.  The good news is we've found some really great properties (that we can afford) in our target area.  I think we've potentially found our future home, but we'll have to wait and see.  I don't want to get my hopes up.  We found a home that was PERFECT last month, but the seller accepted another offer.  We were heartbroken.  I don't want to make the same mistake with this house and set myself up for disappointment.  So, I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.  If it doesn't work out, no biggie.  We'll move on to the next one.  But I really hope it works out....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I booked our tickets to Hawaii in April and am uber excited for vacation!  The downer is that DH won't be able to come along.  He's got to work :-(  One of the drawbacks of working in a family business I guess.  I'm determined to to take a vacation with him before 2011 is up!  Mark my words!

I'm a little nervous to be taking such a long flight ALONE with the little man.  Just thinking about the logistics of checking in luggage keeps me up at night.  Not to mention how to keep a 1 year old entertained, in my lap, for 5 hours in a very confined space.  My wish above all wishes is that the seat next to me is empty so I'll have a little more room to maneuver.  Not holding my breath though.

The good news is that my brother and sister-in-law will be arriving around the same time (although on a different airline), so it will be helpful to meet up with them once we're on the ground. 

I still have a couple months to get my game plan together.  In the mean time, I'm just going to relish in the idea of swimming in the warm Pacific Ocean, spending quality time with my family, and having a blast with my son in the most relaxing place on Earth....ahhhhh.

Monday, January 3, 2011