Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Thank you God for:

Miles, Andrew and Casey
My family
My friends
My best friends
My health
A warm home
A good job

....I am blessed beyond what I deserve and I give thanks for all if it. I hope everyone has the most wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Get Your Room Right

I read an article on Apartment Therapy a couple weeks ago about how to be happier at home. One of the tips was to take 10 minutes to tidy up your living space each day because clutter and a mess cause anxiety and chaos. Truer words could not have been spoken, er, read.

I'm naturally inclined to keep things in order and usually have a really clean house. But, inevitably, there are days when I'm just too tired to pick up the toys or do the dishes or even change out of my jeans before crashing into bed for that matter. And you know what, I totally feel out of sorts when I wake up and start my day in a messy, cluttered house. So I'm committing myself to spending ten minutes at the end of each day to get my rooms right so that I can sleep peacefully, knowing that everything is in its right place.

I doubt anyone else in the house notices my efforts (I'm certain the kids don't), but it's one little way I can keep the sanity in our crazy lives. Lord knows every little bit counts.

Friday, November 9, 2012

My Precious Little Man

I am so in love with my new little son! He's a big, squishy, loveable, snugly boy. My heart is full of love for my little princes.