Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Thank you God for:

Miles, Andrew and Casey
My family
My friends
My best friends
My health
A warm home
A good job

....I am blessed beyond what I deserve and I give thanks for all if it. I hope everyone has the most wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Get Your Room Right

I read an article on Apartment Therapy a couple weeks ago about how to be happier at home. One of the tips was to take 10 minutes to tidy up your living space each day because clutter and a mess cause anxiety and chaos. Truer words could not have been spoken, er, read.

I'm naturally inclined to keep things in order and usually have a really clean house. But, inevitably, there are days when I'm just too tired to pick up the toys or do the dishes or even change out of my jeans before crashing into bed for that matter. And you know what, I totally feel out of sorts when I wake up and start my day in a messy, cluttered house. So I'm committing myself to spending ten minutes at the end of each day to get my rooms right so that I can sleep peacefully, knowing that everything is in its right place.

I doubt anyone else in the house notices my efforts (I'm certain the kids don't), but it's one little way I can keep the sanity in our crazy lives. Lord knows every little bit counts.

Friday, November 9, 2012

My Precious Little Man

I am so in love with my new little son! He's a big, squishy, loveable, snugly boy. My heart is full of love for my little princes.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Getting Ready

Baby boy #2 is due in just about 8 weeks.  8 weeks!  Yikes!  And if I'm lucky, it will be more like 6, but who's counting?  In any case, we're quickly running out of time to get things in order.  With my first born, I had his room ready to go well in advance.  Like months in advance.  I also had all his clothes ready, the car seat installed, the stroller get the idea.  But with this one, well, we still have a LONG way to go.  The third bedroom in our house, currently an office/storage room, is where he'll be living.  And sadly, it's still full of boxes that we've neglected to unpack when we first moved in last year.  Needless to say, the next few weekends will be busy as we move things to the garage, make countless trips to Target/Babies R Us, and do loads and loads of laundry full of onesies and snuggly newborn pajamas.  Wish us luck as we enter the home stretch before the little guy makes his grand entrance! 

In other news, the Olympics start today!  I LOVE the Olympics...Go Team USA!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Pills?

Today I read an article on Yahoo! about how January Jones takes placenta pills when she needs a boost of energy.  Am I the only one who's grossed out by the idea of ingesting the placenta after your baby is born?  Even in pill form, it's still made from PLACENTA!  Nasty!  Unless you're into that sort of which case, I mean no offense.  (But still, you nasty.)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Large Plum Says Hello

So one of my resolutions for 2012 was to blog more, and I've seriously been behind schedule.  But I have a good reason!  I've been dealing with...(drum roll please)...morning sickness!  Yay!  The "yay" is for the little baby growing in my belly, not the non-stop vomiting/exhaustion I've been dealing with for the past 6 weeks or so.  Now that I'm just a week or so away from the second trimester, I feel as if I'm turning a corner.  The nausea has gone from unbearable to just annoying, so that's a step up.  And since I'm fairly close to being out of the 'danger zone', so to speak, I felt comfortable sharing the news with the handful of people who actually read this blog. 

So there it is, baby #2 (currently the size of a large plum) is due on September 23rd.  We find out the sex on April 23rd, which is incredibly exciting!  Once I get my mojo back, I resolve to do more blogging.  Until then, I'm just taking it one day at a time :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I'm not a HUGE stickler for resolutions, but I like to set goals and the new year seems like a good time to list a few out.  As a rule, I try to steer clear of weight loss/exercise/work out resolutions because, come on, let's be real.  Besides, that's totally predictable and I like to think of myself as a little more mysterious than that.  Anyway, here's what I have so far, in no particular order:

  • Have a date night once a week with my darling husband.
  • Read 6 new books this year.
  • Finish decorating the house.
  • Save money every week.
  • Write more blog posts.
  • Spend more time outdoors with my son.
  • Attend Mass every excuses.

The good news is that I've managed to touch on most of these resolutions already!  And it's only the 4th!  I've already finished my first book of the year.  I've set aside $40 bucks.  We got a puppy, so I'm spending lots of time outside in the backyard with him and the little man...mainly trying to encourage him to poop on the grass instead of my carpet.  But outside is outside.  AND, by writing this blog post, I'm one step closer to that goal too. 

The real challenge is to keep it up for all of 2012.  I have faith that I'll be successful though...and I'm definitely looking forward working on them throughout the year.

I hope everyone (anyone?) reading this has the most wonderful 2012!  Here's to a great year full of health and happiness!

(And here's a picture of our new little puppy, Moose!)