Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today's Activity

Today we spent the afternoon blowing bubbles, while mama ate her eclare from Beard Papa.  Pretty much the best thing ever.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Picture of the Day

Everytime I see this picture, it just melts my heart.  He was 3 months old at the time.  I am totally and completely in love with this little boy.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tired Baby = Tired Mama

We're trying to work on getting the little man to fall asleep on his own.  Currently, we have to carry/walk/rock him to sleep each night.  My wish is for him to be put in his crib when he's drowsy and then drift away to sleep.  I know it may just be wishful thinking on my part, but other friends/my mother all assure me that that's how most babies fall asleep.  So, I guess we're a little behind in that department. 

I am tempted to try the Ferber Method, but am reluctant to let him cry so much.  Isn't there a more gentle way to teach him?  I guess I need to do a little more research...any suggestions/advice?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just Keep Swimming

Today is our second swimming class at the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center.  The little man really seems to enjoy the water, which makes me very happy!  I don't know if we're actually going to learn anything substantial in these "Mommy and Me" type classes, but I figure it's a good introduction to the water for him.  I think I'll give it one more month and then move on to private lessons.  My goal is to have him water safe around his first birthday.  When you live in Southern California and pools are EVERYWHERE, you have to cover your bases.  Plus we're going to Hawaii next summer (our annual family trip) and I'd like for him to enjoy swimming in the beautiful Pacific ocean!  Ahhh...Waimea Bay. 

So, we have about 6 months to go before his first birthday.  Operation Backfloat is on!  Wish us luck!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Right Now...

The baby is napping as I type away on the computer.  Most of the laundry is done, although I know the hamper will magically fill itself within a day or two.  The sun is shining bright outside...this definitely calls for a walk with the little man as soon as he's awake.  I've been busily working through most of the morning, but thought I could take a few moments to play around in blog land.  It's still warm out, but I can sense fall approaching.  My favorite time of year.  Today I'm daydreaming about pumpkins and foliage and cozy sweaters.  Oh, Autumn...please come soon to play with us!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dear Sweet Husband

He's wonderful all the time.  Hard working, funny, loving and the best dad to our son.  Today he told me I looked really pretty before I left for work. 

Totally made my day!