Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dukan do it!

Since having my son last year, I haven't really put much effort into losing all the baby weight.  Of the 50 lbs I gained (yikes!), I was able to lose 40 with no trouble.  But those last 10 lbs!  I decided that enough was enough and started on the Dukan Diet about a month ago.  So far, I'm down 8 lbs and have just a couple more to go before I'm back to pre-baby Ablla.

Basically, it's another no-carb diet like Atkins or South Beach.  But after a few more weeks of no carbs at all, I'll be able to slowly phase in fruits and grains.  It's actually not that bad.  I've been eating tons of vegetables and lean meat for the last month and I feel great.  It's not hard to see why you lose weight when you cut out all the sugar and carbs...too bad those are my FAVORITE things to eat!

Mmmmm....cake and bread and chocolate and fruit and .....oh boy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Birthday Party on the Brain

It's hard to believe, but the little man will be 1 next week!  Sigh...where did the time go?  We're planning on taking him to Disneyland on his actual birthday (Thursday) and then having a get together at the park on Saturday with family and friends.  I'm still trying to figure out food/games/decorations but I think being outside with our loved ones will be lots of fun in and of itself.

Speaking of the little guy, I hear him waking up from a nice long nap.  Time to go...I'll try to finish this post later on.  If I don't get a chance to update before next Saturday, I'll post pics from the big day!