Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I'm not a HUGE stickler for resolutions, but I like to set goals and the new year seems like a good time to list a few out.  As a rule, I try to steer clear of weight loss/exercise/work out resolutions because, come on, let's be real.  Besides, that's totally predictable and I like to think of myself as a little more mysterious than that.  Anyway, here's what I have so far, in no particular order:

  • Have a date night once a week with my darling husband.
  • Read 6 new books this year.
  • Finish decorating the house.
  • Save money every week.
  • Write more blog posts.
  • Spend more time outdoors with my son.
  • Attend Mass every excuses.

The good news is that I've managed to touch on most of these resolutions already!  And it's only the 4th!  I've already finished my first book of the year.  I've set aside $40 bucks.  We got a puppy, so I'm spending lots of time outside in the backyard with him and the little man...mainly trying to encourage him to poop on the grass instead of my carpet.  But outside is outside.  AND, by writing this blog post, I'm one step closer to that goal too. 

The real challenge is to keep it up for all of 2012.  I have faith that I'll be successful though...and I'm definitely looking forward working on them throughout the year.

I hope everyone (anyone?) reading this has the most wonderful 2012!  Here's to a great year full of health and happiness!

(And here's a picture of our new little puppy, Moose!)