Monday, May 6, 2013

Palm Springs...

I was told I needed to update my blog more often, so here I am.  It's very late...12:20 am.  I'm catching up on work.  Actually, trying to get a head start on tomorrow.  Mondays are a little tricky for me, work-wise, because I telecommute and still have the little dude with me the whole day.  I'm hoping for a nice LONG nap from him, but not holding my breath.  And that's why I'm up now uploading leads for my sales team.  I just want to be prepared in case he decides not to cooperate.

I usually end up doing work on Sunday evening, but much earlier.  Today is an exception because I was away the whole weekend and didn't get home until late this afternoon.  And where was I this weekend?  PALM SPRINGS!  WITHOUT THE KIDS!  WHAT??!!!

That's right.  I went away on a girls-weekend and had the best time!  It was so refreshing to a) spend quality time with girlfriends, b) be child/husband-less for a few days.  Point a) is pretty self-explanatory.  Girlfriend time is always fun and it's important to make it happen.  Point b) is a little more delicate because I don't want it to come across like I was happy to ditch my husband and kids just so I could party it up in the desert.  It's just that I often feel as if I'm in a time crunch to get stuff done because at any moment, one of the kids (or husband for that matter) will need something from me.  For example, I really enjoy running.  And I've gotten to the point where I could probably bust out 10 miles if I really wanted to.  And I DO want to.  But running 10 miles takes time, probably close to 2 hours for me, and I always feel guilty leaving the boys behind for that long.  So I inevitably cut my run short about 5 miles in.  Even taking a shower can be challenging (and often non existent if I'm being perfectly honest).  As soon as I turn on the water, the napping baby is guaranteed to wake up and start crying.  So when I do actually get around to bathing, it's the most rushed shower known to man.  Like 3 minutes tops.  And that's just wrong. 

When the opportunity came up to go to Palm Springs, I jumped at it.  And I'm so, so happy that I did.  While we did indeed party it up (as much as I possibly could, considering I don't drink much), it wasn't really about that for me.  It was just a chance to breathe and not be on any kind of schedule.  We laid out by the pool for hours.  I took a nap.  I read.  We watched movies.  We also danced to Taylor Swift club remixes in a gay bar called Hunters, but that's another story.

And now that I'm home I feel terrific!  My husband is so wonderful for taking care of both kids so that I could have my weekend away.  I honestly think getting this break has made me appreciate him more :) 

I'm going to take this as a lesson learned.  There's nothing wrong with taking time for myself.  While I may not get to do the 10 mile run every time I head out, and while 3 minute showers are just inevitable at this point in my life, it's still important to take little breaks when I can.  Everybody needs to recharge at some point.  And for me, Palm Springs was a great place to start.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I'm a Musical Benjamin Button

I'm not quite sure what's been happening to me over the past few years, but I feel like I've done a complete 360 when it comes to music.  My love affair with music is long standing and well documented.  From a very early age, I've loved music...not making it (besides singing off key), but listening, learning about it, seeing it live.  When I was very young, I was at the mercy of my mother in terms of what I got to listen to.  She would (and still does) listen to K-EARTH 101, our local oldies station, religiously.  As a grade-schooler, I could sing any Beatles song.  I knew all about 60's folk music, and thought Motown was the coolest thing since sliced bread. 

In junior high, my life changed when I heard Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode.  I think I was probably 12 when I first heard it on the world famous KROQ.  It was like magic...the most wonderful song ever.  To this day, it's my all-time favorite song.  Ever.  Amazing.  Before I knew it, I had every Depeche Mode tape and knew every single song.  In the 6th grade, I made a deal with my mom that if I got straight A's for an entire school year, she'd buy me the Depeche Mode 101 CD set.  I still listen to that thing.  The Cure followed, and The Smiths, and the Lightning Seeds, and a little U2 (but just a little).  I'm not sure why, but I completely ignored the pop music that most kids my age were listening to and opted instead for the British stuff intended for an older audience. 

College was a much more acoustic time for me.  It was all Phish, Grateful Dead, and Indigo Girls.  Pretty typical for a 20 year old girl in the late 90's.  The rest of my 20's were pretty normal...mainly stuff you'd hear on KCRW.  A little indie, a little hippie-dippy, some electronica mixed in for good measure. 

It wasn't until I had kids that things took a drastic turn.  Up until that point, I always prided myself on having great taste in music.  People came to me for mixed tapes/CD's.  I was on my A-Game.  But it all changed around 2010.  I blame the Disney Channel.  While on maternity leave, I spent a lot of time, perhaps too much, watching the Disney Channel.  Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverly Place, Sonny with a Chance...all that crap.  Before I knew it, Miley Cyrus's Party in the USA was my jam!  WTF. 

And now, I'm 34, with two kids.  NOW is when I should be listening to KCRW.  Instead, I'm kind of obsessed with One Direction, like a 14 year old girl.  Not even 'kind of obsessed'...I'd say it's full-blown.  And now my 2-year old loves them because I listen to them so much in the car. But seriously, they're kind of adorable.

I'm not sure what the point of this post is, besides maybe a cry for help?  Ugh, I'm going to listen to some Radiohead to see if that snaps me out of it ;-)

So I Don't Forget

Andrew rolled over on January 10th :)