Thursday, November 4, 2010

Currently Reading

I used to read a TON.  My commute to work is about 90 minutes, and pre-baby, I used to take the train from Pasadena to Irvine every single day.  Needless to say, I had a lot of time to kill and would fly through books.  Since the little man came into our lives, I've been working from home more and more.  When I do come down to the office, I'm driving.  Those big chunks of time that I used to fill with books have up and run out of my life.  So sad.  Lately I've been feeling the itch to do some reading again and have settled on Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv. 

I've been thinking a lot lately about the child, and ultimately the man, that my son will become. I want him to be happy.  I want him to thrive.  I want him to grow up healthy, and strong, and kind.  Not too much to ask, right?  I also want him to feel connected to nature.  Not in a forced, granola, yuppy mom kind of way.  Seriously.  I don't want him to be so caught up in video games, and computers, and technology that he forgets how to have fun outdoors.  Getting dirty isn't such a bad thing, is it?

Well that's what this book is about.  I'm only a chapter in and I find myself nodding in agreement to what Mr. Louv has written.  It's really easy to become a germ-a-phobe when you have a kid.  I try my best to keep him clean, but there's a fine line between that and raising the 'boy in the plastic bubble'.  Based on the fact that it's a national bestseller, I'm guessing that I'm not alone.  Hopefully the rest of the book lives up to my expectations.  We're off to a great start so far!

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