Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ferber Method a Success!

A few months ago, I had written a post about trying out the Ferber Method.  I was a little anxious/nervous that it would be too traumatic for the little man, and was contemplating other ways of getting him to a) sleep in his own bed and b) go to sleep without relying on someone walking/rocking him.  Well, last Monday, I decided to bite the bullet and just go for it.  I had the whole week off of work, so it seemed like a good time to try. 

Guess what?  It TOTALLY worked!  The first day was rough, not gonna lie.  He cried A LOT!  But, I stuck to my guns (with encouragement from fellow mommies who've all gone through it) and noticed a dramatic difference within 2 days.  The first night, he cried for about 30 minutes before giving up.  The second night lasted about 8 minutes.  By the end of the week, the crying only lasted about 2-3 minutes.  And by the 7th day, he wasn't crying at all when I put him down!  Not to mention the fact that he sleeps way longer now.  Christmas night, he slept 11 hours!  The last two nights have been 10 hours each.  Amazing!

I know not all babies react the same, and it might be a total bust with our next baby.  But now I have the confidence to at least try.  If by chance there's anyone reading this post who's going through a similar dilemma, I'd really encourage them to give it a try.  It might not work, but there's a really good chance that your baby (and you) can be sleeping better within a week's time! 

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