Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So today was one of those days.  Super busy at work.  Stayed late trying to finish, but didn't succeed, knowing I would have to finish up at home late into the evening.  Then, on the way out to my car, the person next to me parked so close that I couldn't open the door to get in!  So, tired me had to climb in on the passenger side.  Blah, so fine.  That's not so bad, at least I was on my way home.

But it's not over.  On the way home, I got REAR ENDED!  Uggghhh!  It wasn't a horrible accident, but it certainly made my day go from bad to worse.

So, amidst this doo doo of a day, I'm going to attempt to find the silver lining and stay true to the intent of this blog.  Here goes:

1.  Although my day was very stressful, I managed to get a ton of work done.  Crossing items off my to-do list is super satisfying and today was one of those days.

2.  I don't really have anything nice to say about the person who parked too close to me, so I'll skip that topic.

3.  The guy who rear ended me was actually very kind and apologetic.  Plus he was fully insured, so the claim process should go relatively smoothly.

4.. Most importantly, no one was hurt today.  It could have been a lot worse and I'm thankful that it wasn't.

So there you have it.  I'm going to bed now.

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